香港百萬富翁 2013
- The number of millionaires in Hong Kong reached a record high of 601,000
- Gain in selling properties was the top reason for people becoming millionaires
- Average net asset soared to HK$13.1 million in which 63% was net property value (HK$8.25 million) and 34% liquid asset (HK$4.85 million)
- Investment ownership generally decreased for millionaires and they held less investment products in 2012
- Over 50% of millionaires who have invested in 2012 said they gained the most from stock trading, followed by property trading
- In the coming 12 months, more than 50% of millionaires favor stock trading
- Many millionaires expect the property price in 2013 would continue to increase, but they have a low intention to purchase